Monday 21 January 2013

Album Art

Is your digipak really going to sell?

During this lesson I learnt about what it takes to make a good digipak and what i will have to apply to my own to make it sell. I was taught about the codes and conventions of a digipak and they mainly revolve around identity through the us of the print and web design. You have to try and find away to communicate to your audience what the album holds including references to your actual music video i.e. colour, Mise en scene, location shots. The power of the typography on your digipak is very significant as it can not just be random or to stand out but must hold some kind of relevant ideologies to the artist.

Within the lesson we also looked at this famous image created for 'The Rolling Stones' which is incredibly simplistic and very appealing to its target audience and rock genre lovers. It can be questioned what made this image so iconic due to its simplicity of including only a tongue and face joint together using just three colours but it has stayed in the mind of millions for years. The success of this image was determined fully by the graphic designer as it can hardly be related to the Rolling Stone band members so due to such great his great thoughts and design this album cover contributed to selling even more records. 

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